According to producers the shooting was held in Hyderabad, Bangkok and Vizag without any break. The entire shooting part with be completed by October and the film will be released in December. They claimed that ‘Rebel’ would be ‘The Best’ film in Prabhas’s career. The subject is as powerful as the title.
In the words of Prabhas, “My looks in ‘Rebel’ are quite different from that of ‘Mr Perfect’. The movie will be stylish with mass elements. Lawrence’s direction is extra-ordinary. The movie is giving me a good kick while shooting the film itself. ‘Rebel’ will certainly reach the expectations of the audience and my fans as well.”
Director Raghava Lawrence says Prabhas is the aptly suitable hero of the film ‘Rebel’.
Cast: Prabhas, Anushka, Deeksha Seth and others.
Music: SS Thaman; Camera: C Ram Prasad; Dialogues: ‘Darling’ Swamy; Editing: Marthand K Venkatesh; Art: A S Prakash; Fights: Ram-Lakshman; Producers: J Bhagawan and J Pulla Rao; Story, choreography, screenplay and direction: Raghava Lawrence.