Popular Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has been roped in to don yet another negative role opposite Prabhas in his second Telugu film titled Ek Niranjan, which marks the Telugu debut of Bollywood beauty Kangna Ranaut. (Sonu Sood recently played a terrifying ghost in Arundhati(Arundhatee in Tamil), which turned out to be one of the biggest grossers in the history of Telugu cinema.)Directed by Puri Jagannath and produced by Aditya Ram under the banner of AdityaRam Movies, Ek Niranjan recently started rolling at Lahari Park in Hyderabad. The first ceremonial shot was filmed on Prabhas and Kangna Ranaut. Touted to be an out-and-out commercial movie, Ek Niranjan gives equal importance to romance, action, fun and emotion, director Puri said.Ek Niranjan will complete production in a single schedule that continues till July. Also in the cast are Mukhul Dev, Tanikella Bharani, Brahmanandam, Posani Krishna Murali, Ali and Sunil. Mani Sharma has scored the music; cinematography is by Shyam K Naidu; editing is by M.R. Varma; art is by Chinna.Meanwhile, Sonu Sood is just back from Dubai after completing his portion in director Ali Mustafa's international venture City Of Life produced by Filmworks (USA). The movie centres on the lives of three people – a European, an Arab and an Indian. Sonu plays the role of Basu, a Dubai-based taxi-driver who dreams of becoming an actor one day. The other roles are played by Alexandra Maria Lara and Saoud Al Kaabi. The film is expected to be a breakthrough for Sonu Sood in the international arena.
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