Triple platinum disc function of Prabhas’s latest film Billa was held at Taj Krishna, Hyderabad on the night of 12 May. This function was attended by Krishnam Raju, VV Vinayak, Doraswamy Raju, Prabhas, Anushka, D Narendra, LVR, Lahari, Sunil, Subbaraju and Meher Ramesh.
Shyamala Devi (Mrs. Krishnam Raju) said, “We are indebted to the movie lovers for making Billa a hit film. Krishnam Raju did well in the movie. My kids watched Billa 10 times for Prabhas. Director handled the film deftly. Anushka treated this banner as her own and cooperated with us.”
Prabhas said, “This film was executed in 4 and half months. It was a herculean task and everybody worked hard towards getting the movie out so soon. I am happy that my film with Krishnam Raju combination became a hit. Nobody worked for money. Everybody worked for the success of the movie. I want to thank my fans for helping us out getting pirates punished.”
Billa crossed Jalsa in my theater – VV Vinayak
VV Vinayak said, “Meher Ramesh made the movie with high quality content. It is above the quality standards of a Telugu cinema. People might think that it is easy to do a remake. But its difficult to do a remake movie and its easy to do a straight film. Meher Ramesh’s conception of climax needs lots of guts. I have good relationship with Prabhas’s family members though I directed only one film with Prabhas. Anushka is considerate heroine. I happen to be the exhibitor of Billa film. Jalsa got 1 lac share in the first week in our theater and Billa generated 1.15 lac in the first week. I am happy that Billa is a huge success.”
Billa collected 16.5 crores share in 3 weeks – Krishnam Raju
Krishnam Raju said, “I am very happy that this movie did amazing business at box office. It is not an easy task to collect a share of 16.5 crores in 3 weeks. I would like to thank all exhibitors on this eve. Prabhas worked really hard to get his body in shape. He skipped usual meals and did rigorous exercises. Prabhas opined that I might not produce Billa because it’s going to cost a lot. He was surprised when I accepted to produce this movie. Director Meher Ramesh narrated the climax of the film well, but could not execute it as per my expectations. We had three festivals (Dasara, Deepavali and December 31st) during the making of Billa and we celebrated it with the unit. Though Mani Sharma could not score the music as per the standards of our banner, he did very good background music. There is no sentiment in this movie like our earlier movies. I will be doing a sentiment film soon.
Billa Triple platinum disc function Photo Gallery Click here
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