Several Bollywood stars, including the Ek Niranjan fame Kangana Ranaut, is said to have links with David Headley, arrested in the US in connection with the Mumbai terror attacks last year. Kangana had acted in Ek Niranjan opposite Prabhasi and the film was directed by the late director Poori Jagannth It may be recalled that Mahesh Bhatts son Rahul, who had befriended Headley during a gym session, had provided information about the terror suspect. Rahul is said to have introduced Headley to several Bollywood stars including Kangana Ranaut, Aarti Chabria, Emraan Hashmi and Karan Kapoor. Meanwhile Kangana had written in her blog: I am putting on record here on my official site, that I have never had any contact whatsoever with this person Headley, and that I have absolutely no idea who he is.
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