Actress Richa Gangopadhyay despite proving successful with 'Mirapakay', is left with empty hands in Tollywood. Though Richa managed to bag two big projects in Tamil film industry, her Tollywood stint looked like it was ended abruptly. However, the latest buzz says that finally luck shines bright on this broad smile beauty.
According to the sources, Richa Gangopadhyay is roped in as the heroine in Prabhas's next film and what makes her even more lucky is this film would be directed by one and only Rajamouli. If this news turns out to be a fact then Richa has definitely bagged an offer of her life. Remember what Rajamouli has done to Kajal Agarwal who was branded as a B grade heroine prior to 'Magadheera'.
However, Industry sources opine that Richa Gangopadhyay should be very fortunate for bagging such a huge film, despite being not very talented.
According to the sources, Richa Gangopadhyay is roped in as the heroine in Prabhas's next film and what makes her even more lucky is this film would be directed by one and only Rajamouli. If this news turns out to be a fact then Richa has definitely bagged an offer of her life. Remember what Rajamouli has done to Kajal Agarwal who was branded as a B grade heroine prior to 'Magadheera'.
However, Industry sources opine that Richa Gangopadhyay should be very fortunate for bagging such a huge film, despite being not very talented.
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